Leasing Advantages

The Debt/Equity ratio of the company is not affected from leasing transactions. If you finance your investments through leasing, there will be a possibility of not using your credit limits in the banks. Accordingly you can use your equity in the other fields of your business.

All leasing agreements and related collaterals are exempt from all duties and taxes.

All operational procedures of purchased equipments are performed by specialized staff of A&T Leasing on behalf of the investor.

The investor can perform its lease payments in accordance with its expected cash flow.

Projects which has an incentive certificate can be used in leasing operations as well by the way of transferring this incentive documents to leasing company.

The Investor can depreciate the leased assets and revaluate all fixed asset investments performed through leasing.

The ownership of the leased asset is transferred at maturity of the leasing contract with a symbolic price to the lessee.

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